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West Side

United Methodist Church

317 Nichols St.

Clearfield, PA


...since  1872

West Side Church Groups...

These groups within West Side, provide opportunities for varied services and interests in serving Christ ......

United Methodist Men

.... a group who, through fellowship, join together to lead others in following Jesus Christ,

modeling Jesus in their thoughts, words, and deeds.
The Men meet on the first Tuesday of each month at 5:30 p.m. at the

Clearfield Truckstop for

 a Dutch Treat dinner.

Dean McKee, 345-5047,

Tom Dotts, 765-0135,

Travis Mullen, 857-1760

We are planning a men's 'Bible Study', the date will be announced soon.


All men are invited to join

in each & every time!

United Methodist Women

ALL Women are invited to the 'Annual World Thank Offering' program on

Wednesday, November 16

 at 1p in the West Side Chapel.

Join us for

“Embracing Change

& Sharing Grace”

The World Thank Offering is a way for members of United Women in Faith to show gratitude for God’s blessings and find creative ways to raise funds to improve the lives of women, children, and youth. 

Salinda Cowder will have envelopes for all the women to place their offering donations in. 

December 14 will be our Annual Christmas Gathering. Watch for details in upcoming bulletins and December Newsletter. 

Memorial Gifts


United Methodist Men share an evening of prayer, comradery, stories and chilli..... in September 2022!

Fred delivers scripture message at West Side Men's gathering, 9.13.2022

Interested in our services? We’re here to help!

We want to know your needs exactly so that we can provide the perfect solution. Let us know what you want and we’ll do our best to help.

Book an appointment
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