Wednesday Night
Bible Study
Wednesdays at
Ken Bodle &
Dottie Bodle in Fellowship Hall.
'Jesus in Me' Study Wednesday, October 5 at 6:30pm Fellowship Hall
We will be using 'Jesus In Me': Experiencing the Holy Spirit as a Constant Companion by Anne Graham Lotz for our study time.
We don’t talk much about the Holy Spirit or seek him as we should. Yet, we profess a belief in the Holy Spirit when we recite the Apostle’s Creed. Yet much of our lives appear void of the Holy Spirit being at work (individually and as the church).
In John 16:7 Jesus prepares his disciples for the coming of the Spirit. In verse 7, Jesus says, it’s to their advantage that Jesus goes away so He can so the Holy Spirit. OUR ADVANTAGE.
That sounds important. That sounds necessary. So, join us as we look more to the Holy Spirit and our relationship with Him.
Please see Ken or Dottie Bodle for materials at 814-765-4118 or email or contact the church office.